Emergency No. +91-72499-13555


Our Pharmacy

The duties and liabilities of a Pharmacy & Pharmacist are given below:
• Compounding and allocating for inner and out-of-door case departments.
• Preparation and sterilization of injectable specifics
• Form and labeling of medical stocks
• Proper conservation of records( especially narcotic specifics)
• Maintaining sufficient stock of exigency drugs
• Conducting quality check of the source of purchase( drugs, antibiotics, natural products, and other pharmaceutical particulars)
• participating details of the drug to croakers
, specialists, interns, and nurses.
• Planning and executing the drugstore & remedial commission.
• icing that the force of drugs is within the law
• Making sure that the specified specifics are suitable for the cases
• Advising cases according to their symptoms( how & when to take them, possible responses,pre-allergy information, answering case’s dubieties, and so on)
• Supporting cases to make healthier choices, directing them towards a nutritional diet and suitable exercises.

Contact Info


OPD TIMING- 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM


 Ram Nagar Road, Near Railway Crossing, Kashipur-2447